
Usability and user interface

This project focuses on the creation of a prize center for Orange, where participation is as simple as entering a pre-code on the home page. Subsequently, users will have access to a list of products, will be able to choose their favorite, complete a form with their data and receive their gift directly in their email.

Figma prototype
Diseño de identidad corporativa


Designing and improving the interface for "Orange Awards Central" has been an exciting challenge. Our main mission was to develop a seamless and user-friendly experience, minimizing the number of steps required. As in the previous project, we focused on integrating marketing and UX/UI tools to ensure an attractive and simple participation.

The problem

The lack of a clear and simple platform for prize participation was an obvious challenge. The need to simplify the process and reduce the number of steps required drove our focus on reorganizing elements for a more intuitive experience.


The interface was redesigned with a simple, user-friendly aesthetic while maintaining the essence of Orange. We introduced a minimalist system that guides the user through an efficient engagement process, from choosing the product to delivering the gift to their email.


We implemented a clean and modern design, with intuitive tools such as filters and a real-time cart to facilitate the selection and participation process. The color palette stayed true to Orange's identity, ensuring a consistent visual experience.


The development process for "Orange Awards Central" was an odyssey of continuous innovation and refinement. We began with a thorough investigation of the current landscape, immersing ourselves in the latest UX/UI trends and closely analyzing the leading platforms in the market. This initial phase not only gave us a clear understanding of user expectations, but also highlighted areas where our design could make a difference.

We organized multiple brainstorming sessions with a multidisciplinary team that included designers, engineers and marketing experts. These sessions were instrumental in devising new functionality and refining the aesthetic direction of the application. From wireframing to prototyping, each step was meticulously planned and executed to deliver a unique and engaging experience.

The addition of features such as product selection, participation form and efficient gift giving was based on a detailed analysis of how to add value to the user experience. These additions were not only rigorously tested, but also adjusted based on continuous feedback, ensuring an iterative development that met the most demanding expectations.

Figma prototype

Model users

Collaboration with model users played an essential role in the evolution of "Orange Awards Central". We recruited a diverse group, representing various ages, levels of technological familiarity and frequency of participation in this type of platform. Through interactive sessions, these users interacted with previous versions of the platform, sharing reactions and comments that we meticulously recorded.

Interviews with model users were not limited to pointing out areas for improvement; we also identified aspects appreciated by users. This comprehensive approach not only helped us refine the prototypes, but also allowed us to highlight features that generated enthusiasm among participants. Feedback from model users was instrumental in raising the platform to a standard that not only met but exceeded audience expectations.

Once improvements based on this valuable feedback were implemented, we again invited real users to test the interface. The positive results and decreased friction points were testaments to user-centered design. These insights guided the optimization of the platform, culminating in a dynamic, efficient and, above all, user-driven engagement experience.


After implementing improvements based on feedback from model users, we invited real participants to test the new interface. Positive feedback and reduced friction points indicated a user-centric design. These insights led to an optimized, efficient and enjoyable "Orange Rewards Central" platform for participants.

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