
Corporate identity and web design.

Glocapp is a brand that is characterized by being a lover of technology. Its intention is to help other brands and businesses digitize their ideas, accompanying them throughout the process from beginning to end. They aim to provide a completely personalized and close treatment, which is their most human point and differentiating factor of the brand. They carry out business digitalization through the creation of web pages and app design.

Diseño de identidad corporativa

Glocapp, Corporate indetity and web design

Glocapp as a brand

Glocapp is a brand that is characterized by its love for technology. Their intention is to help other brands and businesses digitalize their ideas, accompanying them throughout the process from beginning to end. They want to provide a completely personalized and close treatment, which is their most human point and differentiating factor of the brand. They carry out the digitalization of businesses through the creation of web pages and app design.

For the creation of the logo, we have based ourselves on the origin of its name and slogan: "Think local, act global." In this way, the term "global" will be our main tool for the generation of proposals, now seeking circular and friendlier forms that can connect with the brand concept.

Construcción de logo Diseño logo responsive

Click the image to access the interactive prototype.

Diseño de interfaz

About the color

We have focused on giving a technological and at the same time calming approach, endowed with concept and ingenuity. We have decided to take an iconic image (but the updated version) with which more than one of our programmers is surely related.

Color scheme design
Brand typography

Symbol creation

Glocapp is not a dynamic identity, however, we wanted to give it life and versatility, breaking down the logo and main element of the main graphic image to create constant games for the creation of communication pieces within the brand.

Like almost every brand (absolutism does not exist), the symbol (if it has one) is a very important value, therefore, for Glocapp, it is no exception.

The application of the concept will always be aligned hand in hand with everything that the brand seeks to convey.

Identidad corporativa diseño

This is how it will be used

In this way, we can apply it and create different graphic pieces always following the same design line.

"Think GLOBAL, Act LOCAL," a phrase with two verbal elements, translatable to graphics, very interesting.

We have to think outside the box, but we have to apply, specify, and go straight to the point, and more, this is what Glocapp does, both geographically and with the work carried out and offered to its clients, speaking of code and graphics.

Web design
Diseño web UX UI


However, despite not being a dynamic identity, since its different facets will be shown as external, complementary or communication graphics (never at the level of visual identifier), it does not mean that its different elements cannot be played with creatively.

Papeleria corporativa diseño
Diseño corporativo aplicacion
Manual de identidad corporativa diseño
Elementos decorativos marca


In this way, we will generate visual identification patterns, to be able to position our brand at a SEO-SEM level in the future, strongly supported by graphic material. Repetition in this case will be our best ally, but without being tedious, it is not necessary to put our logo in every corner, that is not what we are looking for. This allows us to have a high level of versatility, to be able to apply it to practically any element of the identity, creatively, but creating a very solid graphic system.

Web design responsive

In this way, we have built our brand, so remember, Play hard, Work hard.

Ready to take your online presence to the next level? Contact us today for a personalized quote.

Fill out our form and let's start working together!